This section focuses on wild-sourced trade originating in the EU (including both direct exports and re-exports where both the exporting country and the country of origin are EU Member States). In 2014, Member States reported 226 export transactions involving wild-sourced species originating in the EU; 47% of these were for commercial purposes. The remainder comprised mainly hunting trophies of Ursus arctos (Brown bear) and trade for scientific purposes. Scientific trade involved 28 different taxa, including 15 mammals (including Annex A species Ursus arctos, Lynx lynx, L. pardinus, Canis lupus and Lutra lutra, among others).
When quantities are analysed, live invertebrates was the highest traded commodity, all of which comprised Tridacna maxima (Small giant clam) for commercial purposes. Other highly traded commodities (above 500 units) were mammal specimens and mammal teeth.
Wild-sourced (re-)exports originating in the EU in 2014, as reported by the (re-)exporters. Trade for scientific purposes (purpose ‘S’) is excluded.
Group | Taxon | App./Annex | Exporter (origin, if applicable) | Qty | Term (unit) | Purpose |
[l]Mammals | [i][l]Ammotragus lervia[/i] (Barbary sheep) | [l]II/B | [l]Spain | [r]2 | [l]trophies | [l]H |
[l]Mammals | [i][l]Canis aureus[/i] (Golden Jackal) | [l]III/C | [l]Croatia | [r]2 | [l]trophies | [l]H |
[l]Mammals | [i][l]Canis lupus[/i] (Grey wolf) | [l]II/A | [l]Estonia | [r]1 | [l]trophies | [l]H |
[l]Mammals | [i][l]Canis lupus[/i] (Grey wolf) | [l]II/A | [l]Romania | [r]7 | [l]trophies | [l]H |
[l]Mammals | [i][l]Ursus arctos[/i] (Brown bear) | [l]II/A | [l]Croatia | [r]6 | [l]trophies | [l]H |
[l]Mammals | [i][l]Ursus arctos[/i] (Brown bear) | [l]II/A | [l]Romania | [r]42 | [l]trophies | [l]H |
[l]Mammals | [i][l]Ursus arctos[/i] (Brown bear) | [l]II/A | [l]Slovenia | [r]2 | [l]meat | [l]T |
[l]Mammals | [i][l]Ursus arctos[/i] (Brown bear) | [l]II/A | [l]Sweden | [r]4 | [l]skins | [l]H |
[l]Mammals | [i][l]Ursus arctos[/i] (Brown bear) | [l]II/A | [l]Sweden | [r]3 | [l]skulls | [l]H |
[l]Mammals | [i][l]Ursus arctos[/i] (Brown bear) | [l]II/A | [l]Sweden | [r]6 | [l]specimens | [l]L |
[l]Birds | [i][l]Circaetus gallicus[/i] (Short-toed snake-eagle) | [l]II/A | [l]Spain | [r]4 | [l]live | [l]B |
[l]Birds | [i][l]Gyps fulvus[/i] (Griffon vulture) | [l]II/A | [l]Cyprus (Greece) | [r]3 | [l]live | [l]- |
[l]Birds | [i][l]Hieraaetus fasciatus[/i] (Bonelli’s eagle) | [l]II/A | [l]Spain | [r]6 | [l]live | [l]B |
[l]Birds | [i][l]Hieraaetus pennatus[/i] (Booted eagle) | [l]II/A | [l]Spain | [r]4 | [l]live | [l]B |
[l]Invertebrates (non-coral) | [i][l]Tridacna maxima[/i] (Small giant clam) | [l]II/B | [l]France | [r]19 503 | [l]live | [l]T |
[l]Plants | [i][l]Barlia robertiana[/i] (Giant orchid) | [l]II/B | [l]France | [r]40 | [l]derivatives | [l]T |
Candidate countries reported 59 direct export transactions of wild-sourced species in 2014, the majority for commercial purposes (85%). Wild-sourced exports for purposes other than “scientific” involved 10 taxa, including four Annex A species. Similar to exports of all sources, wild-sourced trade mainly comprised live plants but also included Cyclamen roots.
Wild-sourced direct exports reported by candidate countries in 2014. Trade for scientific purposes (purpose ‘S’) is excluded.
Term (unit)
[l][i]Canis aureus[/i] (Golden jackal)
[l][i]Canis lupus[/i] (Grey wolf)
[l]FYR Macedonia
[l][i]Felis silvestris[/i] (Wild cat)
[l][i]Ursus arctos[/i] (Brown bear)
[l][i]Gyps fulvus[/i] (Griffon vulture)
[l][i]Hirudo verbana[/i] (South medicinal leech)
[l]live (kg)
[l][i]Galanthus elwesii[/i] (Giant snowdrop)
[r]4 762 037
[l][i]Galanthus woronowii[/i] (Green snowdrop)
[r]3 333 425
[l][i]Cyclamen cilicium[/i]
[r]74 361
[l][i]Cyclamen coum[/i]
[r]358 664